Project Description

The purpose of the Detailed Design is to transform Holland Street to align with the Town’s Strategic Plan, which includes: 

-      Promoting employment growth;

-      Improving community and traffic safety;

-      Reducing congestion; and,

-      Upgrading existing infrastructure. 

This Project will be a key component in revitalizing the Town’s downtown core and transforming it into an inviting, walkable, people-friendly shopping district that will serve as a destination location for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Notice of Commencement

Please take notice that the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury is initiating the Detail Design for Holland Street East and West (refer to Project Area map) in coordination with their Consultant, WSP.

What to expect during Detailed Design

The Detail Design will build on and refine the preliminary design from the Holland Street East and West Schedule 'C' Class Municipal Environmental Assessment Study that was completed in October 2022. Detail Design process is expected to be undertaken over a year.  

Once the Detailed Design process is complete, the Construction phase of work will commence. The community will be notified prior to the start of Construction.

How can you get involved?

As the  Project progresses, the Town will engage agencies, property owners, the surrounding community and the general public, as part of any decisions that are made with residents, stakeholders and businesses to shape the overall master plan and contribute towards the recommendations.

Sign up for our emailing list to stay updated on the project’s progress or continue to check this webpage for information!

Comments or questions?

For more information on Holland Street Detailed Design and Construction please contact:

Jeff Sculthorp, C.Tech., Project Manager, Capital Projects

Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury

305 Barrie Street - Unit 2, Bradford, ON

905 775 5366 Ext. 2113 or

Project Initiation

January 2023

60% Detailed Design and Review

Summer 2023

90% Detailed Design and

Fall 2023

100% Detailed Design and Review

Winter 2024 

Tender Period


To be determined

Construction Start

To be determined


Jeff Sculthorp, C.Tech.
Project Manager, Capital Projects
Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury
305 Barrie Street - Unit 2, Bradford, ON
​905-775-5366 Ext. 2112

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*By submitting your details, you consent to be contacted by email by the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury with information regarding the Holland Street Detail Design. You may unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.