Notice of Study Completion

Study Process

The CTMP was completed in accordance with the Master Plan process identified by the Municipal Engineers Association, adhering to the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

Notice of Review Period

This notice announces the start of the 30 calendar-day public review period for the CTMP in accordance with the requirements of the EA process. The review period will begin on August 31, 2022. The CTMP report is available for viewing online (here), and physical copies are available at the Town’s Municipal Offices, beginning August 31, 2022:

2021 Division Rd

Kingsville, ON N9Y 2Y9

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm


Please provide all written comments to by October 1, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

Comprehensive Transportation Master Plan (CTMPis a guiding document that sets a vision for the future multi-modal transportation network in the Town. It provides direction on future transportation investment that supports community growth, adopting a complete streets approach to the planning, design and implementation of transportation infrastructure. 

The CTMP was completed in two phases, following the requirements set out under the master planning section and following Approach 1 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process.

  • Phase 1 identified and assessed the existing transportation conditions in Kingsville. We engaged with municipal staff, local agencies, stakeholder groups and members of the public on existing conditions and the overall objectives for the Plan.
  • Phase 2 included a more detailed analysis, investigation and identification of potential infrastructure improvements, a complete streets approach, and new processes to develop transportation policies and decision-making tools for the Town.

As part of this process, we engaged with the public and stakeholders at regular intervals to ensure that the plan that is presented meets the needs of the community and addresses all of the MCEA requirements.

The Plan will focus primarily on improvements to the transportation system within the Town. There may be considerations made to advance transportation options across the County as appropriate to connect between the surrounding municipalities and to Provincial or County-wide networks.  

The CTMP will focus on all modes of transportation used to move people and goods around the Town. A multi-modal (looking at all forms of transportation), complete streets approach will be used to ensure that all forms of travel are looked at, including by active transportation (walking, cycling and wheeling), transit and cars. 


Complete Streets are designed to be safe, convenient and comfortable for users of all ages, abilities and travel types. A well-designed complete street will promote activity, livability and connectivity and result in a network of transportation infrastructure and services that enables people to travel seamlessly on any given mode of transportation. Although not every mode can be accommodated on every street, this approach ensures that where able, a wide range of transportation modes will be supported. 

Your input will provide insight to the current transportation network from a user’s perspective and be used to identify challenges or opportunities as well as inform the draft recommendations that will form the basis of this Plan.

Background Review and Analysis

April 2021 - November 2021

Online Engagement Round 1

Online survey and mapping tool - July- August 2021

Online Public Open House #1

September 23, 2021


Phase 2 - Develop Draft Recommendations

November 2021 - April 2022

Public Open House #2 - Presentation of proposed recommendations

May 26, 2022

Create Draft CTMP Report

May-August 2022

Present Final CTMP

August 2022

30 Day Review Period

August 31, 2022-October 1, 2022