Question title

No matter what we do, our region will continue to grow and so will congestion. What should be our top transportation strategy to address congestion in our region?

Provide more transportation choices and alternatives, like transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
Optimize and modernize our infrastructure, using technology to help us move safely and efficiently.
Add more lanes to freeways and roadways.
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Question title

What do you think is the biggest transportation challenge facing our region over the next 20+ years?

Limited transportation options (e.g., bus, rail, bike facilities).
Safety for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
Environmental impacts.
Keeping up with new technology and innovation.
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Question title

Is there a scenario you like more than the others?

New Capacity ½ cent.
System Optimization ½ cent.
New Capacity 1 cent.
System Optimization 1 cent.
No, I prefer a combination or mix of scenario projects and programs.
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Question title

Which pieces of the scenarios do you feel are most important?

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Question title

Please share any additional feedback you have to help us Pick Our Path:

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