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EdNC Survey
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EdNC created an experience where I was likely to build relationships.
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What changes will you make in your work (if any) as a result of something you learned at Bridge? Please be specific.
EdNC Survey
Question title
Did you gain any skills or knowledge during Bridge that will help you in your work? Please elaborate in the comment box.
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What was the most valuable outcome of Bridge for you? Please select one.
Building meaningful relationships
Understanding the work being done by statewide commissions and initiatives and how the work of each informs readiness and attainment
Sharing innovative ideas, promising practices, and proven strategies that are advancing readiness and attainment for all students
Engaging in problem solving on the complex problems facing our education system and gaining new perspectives on my role in those solutions
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What was different about Bridge than your experiences at other conferences and convenings?
EdNC Survey
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Who wasn't at Bridge that needed to be there?
EdNC Survey
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Do you want us to do Bridge again in 2020?
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EdNC Survey
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Is there anything else you'd like to share with us about your experiences at Bridge?
The questions marked with a red border are required.
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