Put Out the Fire, Clark County!
Put Out the Fire, Clark County!
Each fall and winter, particulate matter pollution increases in Clark County due in part to increased wood-burning. For the past two years on Dec. 25, Clark County has exceeded the EPA’s air quality standard for PM2.5 pollution. We’ve traced much of that pollution to one source: wood burning during the holiday season.
That’s why we want you to help us Put Out the Fire!
Take the Pledge for Your Chance to Win an Electric Fireplace!
(image does not reflect actual product)
Thanks to our friends at the American Lung Association in Nevada, you can win an electric fireplace if you pledge to help reduce particulate pollution in Clark County. How can you do that?
- Don't burn wood on Dec. 25
- If you do burn wood, use Burn Wise tips from the EPA to enure you're not over-polluting the air we share
- Reduce vehicle idling to lower vehicle emissions
- Go to our website for more tips and information
Take the Pledge Today!
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