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PRCA Feedback: Program Evaluation Survey
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PRCA Feedback: Program Evaluation Survey
PRCA Feedback: Program Evaluation Survey
Kettering Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Program Evaluation
Kettering, OH - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Survey
Question title
What was the name of the program?
Kettering, OH - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Survey
Question title
What season did your class or program take place?
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Kettering, OH - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Survey
Question title
What was the instructor's name?
Kettering, OH - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Survey
Question title
Where do you find information about the Kettering Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department? Select all that apply.
PlayKettering Activities Guide (printed brochure) website
Family and friends
Dayton Daily News (printed paper)
Dayton Daily News website
Fraze website
Contact with Kettering
WHIO-TV (Ch. 7)
WDTN-TV (Ch. 2)
WRGT-Tv (Ch. 22/45)
Flyers in facilities
Flyers in backpacks from school
Emails from PlayKettering
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Kettering, OH - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Survey
Question title
Please read the following statements and indicate how satisfied you were with the customer service you received from us.
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Kettering, OH - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Survey
Question title
Please read the following statements and indicate how satisfied you are with your experience.
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Kettering, OH - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Survey
Question title
How can the Kettering Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department provide additional service to our community?
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