Formalize pre-submission meetings

Initiative Statement

Using existing pre-submittal services as a model, an expanded set of pre-submittal reviews will be designed and piloted by February 2024 with the goal of reducing the total number of review cycles needed for a site development permit. 

Initiative Complete

Milestone ChecklistStatus
Review and map current pre-submittal services.box checked with green check mark
Develop use cases for each service type.box checked with green check mark
Identify missing use cases and develop pre-submittal service menu.box checked with green check mark
Pilot services and collect data for determination of a fee structure.box checked with green check mark
Evaluate peer city offerings.box checked with green check mark
Solicit stakeholder feedback.box checked with green check mark
Develop final recommendations. box checked with green check mark
Standardize service deliverables and agendas for each use case.box checked with green check mark
Scope and implement needed technology changes to support service delivery.box checked with green check mark
Develop and implement cost of service fees.box checked with green check mark
Train support staff.box checked with green check mark
Launch services.box checked with green check mark


Impact Statement

Pre-submittal reviews will focus on identifying critical issues early in the process with the goal of reducing the total number of review cycles required once a project is submitted, resulting in a shorter review process.


Estimated Completion Date

February 2024


Initiative Owner

Viktor Auzenne


Initiative Team Member Departments

Austin Energy
Austin Fire
Austin Water
Communications & Technology Management
Development Services
Parks and Recreation
Transportation & Public Works
Watershed Protection

Question title

We encourage you to submit feedback and ask questions on these pages, and we will add more information as the initiatives progress.