2025 MPO Federal Certification Review Public Outreach
2025 MPO Federal Certification Review Public Outreach
Every four years our partners at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) conduct an evaluation of the Genesee Transportation Council as part of their Certification Review. The evaluation includes everything our agency works on from transportation planning to public outreach to the financial health of the agency. Public feedback is an essential part of this review. It’s your chance as someone who may live, work, or do business in the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region to provide direct input on the transportation planning process.
You have an opportunity to submit written or verbal comments by Friday, March 14, 2025.
The primary purpose of the certification review is to ensure that the required planning activities of 23 USC 134 and 49 USC 5303 are being satisfactorily implemented by the GTC. FHWA and FTA are accepting written comments from the public on GTC’s implementation of the federal transportation planning process until Friday, March 14, 2025.
If you would like to participate in the certification review process please send your opinions of how the MPO Transportation Planning Process is being implemented in the Genesee/Finger Lakes Region of New York.
You may send an email message to GTCCertReview2025@publicinput.com, send a text messge by texting FCR25 to 73224, or you may call toll-free (855) 925-2801 code: 3703. GTC accepts comments in any language.
If you would like to make orther arrangements, please call 585-232-6240 or send email to contactgtc@gtcmpo.org.
Text Version:
2025 Federal Certification Review
How effectively do you think the Genesee Transportation Council manages the federal transportation planning process for our region? Are there aspects of the planning process you believe are working well or areas where improvements could be made?
Call toll-free: (855) 925-2801 Code: 3703
E-mail: GTCCertReview2025@PublicInput.com
Text FCR25 to 73224
Submit comments through March 14, 2025