Coxe Avenue Streetscape
Coxe Avenue Streetscape
The goal of this project is to transform Coxe Avenue to improve the safety and overall experience for pedestrians, bicyclists and other users of the street. The design will include improvements to sidewalks, stormwater and water infrastructure, lighting and streetscape elements and a reconfiguration of parts of the street.
Happening Now
This project is currently in the design phase with construction anticipated to start in 2026.
Engagement Opportunity: Open House
The City of Asheville invites the public to an Open House to view the design for the Coxe Avenue Streetscape Project on Monday, March 24, 2025, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Bear’s Smokehouse Barbeque. See Press Release.
Coxe Avenue is an important transportation, retail and entertainment corridor connecting Downtown’s historic core and South Slope, as well as other areas including the hospital district, McCormick Field and the Southside neighborhood. The street is heavily trafficked but is incomplete with regard to bicycle facilities, sidewalk facilities, accessibility and driveway access control, which all impact the safety of those utilizing the corridor. This project will meet City goals for multimodal transportation, accessibility and general safety by delivering improvements that accommodate businesses, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists while also providing on-street parking and streetscape features including lighting, street trees and seating.
Underground Utility Needs
There is a significant need for stormwater infrastructure improvements on Coxe Avenue, which will be addressed with this project. Coxe Avenue is sloped (giving the area the nickname of “South Slope”) and carries much of the surrounding area’s stormwater to its next destination, the Nasty Branch Creek. Originally a ravine, in the early 1900s Coxe Avenue was filled in with dirt in order to develop the street. Today, there are various drainage channels underground and an insufficient stormwater system that results in poor drainage and significant pooling in some areas during heavy rain.
Another component of this project includes the installation of about 3,000 feet of new 12-inch water main and associated infrastructure. The new water main will replace existing 6-inch cast iron water lines that are reaching the end of their useful life. This upgrade will reduce route conflicts and increase water capacity for the rapidly growing area.
Combining the stormwater and water improvements with the overall streetscape project will provide for greater project coordination and lead to cost savings.
Community Engagement
Conceptual designs for the project were produced as a part of the South Slope Vision Plan process, which included a community engagement effort guided by an advisory team made up of stakeholders including area business owners and residents. In 2018, a “Tactical Urbanism” project tested temporary changes to the street between Hilliard Avenue and Southside Avenue, which will also inform the design.
Upcoming engagement opportunity: The City of Asheville invites the public to an Open House to view the design for the Coxe Avenue Streetscape Project on Monday, March 24, 2025, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Bear’s Smokehouse Barbeque.
Supporting Documents
Asheville on Bikes Tactical Urbanism Project
Living Asheville Comprehensive Plan
South Slope Neighborhood Association Plan on a Page