Ballston, Old Glebe, East Falls Church

Currently Serves 

East Falls Church - Williamsburg - Rock Spring - Old Glebe - Chain Bridge Forest - Rivercrest - Bellevue Forest - Donaldson Run - Waverly Hills - Ballston

Proposed Service

 Rivercrest - Bellevue Forest - Donaldson Run - Waverly Hills - Virginia Square - Clarendon - Courthouse - Rosslyn


Current Service Hours

Buses run:

  • 0600 - 0846, 1450 - 1949 Weekdays
  • No Service Saturdays
  • No Service Sundays


A bus :

  • Peak: Every 25 Min
  • Off-Peak: Every 25 Min
  • ​Saturday: None
  • Sunday: None

Proposed Service Hours 

Buses run:

  • 0500 - 2139 Weekdays
  • No Service Saturdays
  • No Service Sundays


A bus :

  • Peak: Every 25 Min
  • Off-Peak: Every 25Min
  • ​Saturday: None
  • Sunday: None

Why We're Proposing Changes:

 - Create a direct connection between northern Arlington neighborhoods and Rosslyn Metrorail Station
 - Maintain coverage and service north of Rosslyn where Route 61 service is discontinued
 - Improve frequency by adding mid-day and evening service across the route

What The Changes Would Do:

 - Relocate eastern terminus to take over northern ART 61 service to Rosslyn via Veitch Street and 21st Street N. 
 - Discontinue service on western half between East Falls Church and Old Glebe Road via Williamsburg Blvd
 - Discontinue service to Ballston and connect new and old service via Wilson Blvd and Clarendon Blvd

Service Frequency

How often buses operate on the route.

Question title

On the scale below, select the answer that best states how you feel about the proposed service frequency for ART Route 53 service.

Strongly support
Do not support
Strongly do not support
I don't know
Closed to responses

Question title

You can use the space below to tell us why you chose the answer above for service frequency (optional).

Closed for Comments

Service Hours

The start and end times for service on the route.

Question title

On the scale below, select the answer that best states how you feel about the proposed service hours for ART Route 53 service.

Strongly support
Do not support
Strongly do not support
I don't know
Closed to responses

Question title

You can use the space below to tell us why you chose the answer above for service hours (optional).

Closed for Comments

Service Route

The streets where the buses operate through the county.

Question title

On the scale below, select the answer that best states how you feel about the proposed route for ART Route 53 service.

Strongly support
Do not support
Strongly do not support
I don't know
Closed to responses

Question title

You can use the space below to tell us why you chose the answer above for service route (optional).

Closed for Comments

Other Comments

Question title

Is there anything else you want to share with us about the proposed changes to Route 53?

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