Question title

How likely are you to vote for a sales tax measure that would increase sales tax by half a cent to provide Pinole with an additional $2.5 million to maintain fiscal stability?

Not likely
Extremely likely
No opinion
Somewhat likely
Very likely
Closed to responses | 436 Responses

Question title

How important do you consider the following for Pinole?

39 responses

Question title

Share any additional thoughts about the potential ballot measure in the comment box below.

Closed for Comments
Richard BettiThe streets in the tatra hills area are terrible. Never been this bad. Ive lived here since 1974
Reply4 Agree10 months ago
Thomas NetemeyerOur streets are literally falling apart, fixing potholes will not be enough for the future. I would support a tax strictly for street repair, but not this measure.
Reply2 Agree10 months ago
Pinole streets are in terrible condition. My street has turned into a gravel road with potholes. There is absolutely no indication of street maintenance being done in Pinole. The Pinole council needs to start focusing on infrastructure maintenance and stop wasting resources o...See More
Reply1 Agree8 months ago
KrisI think we need to get back to basics. Protect us from crime and fires. Give our kids a solid education of reading, writing and arithmetic. Make our roads driveable and free from trash. Make Pinole beautiful again, the way it was when I first moved here. I would raise taxes ...See More
Reply1 Agree9 months ago
Leonard Buie IIIMay not vote on ballot
Reply1 Agree10 months ago

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