Potential Ballot Measure 2024
Potential Ballot Measure 2024
On May 7, 2024, City Council voted 5-0 to pursue a 0.5 cent sales tax increase measure that will be considered for the ballot in this November's election. The measure aims to generate $2.5 million annually for the general fund that will be used to maintain fiscal stability and provide the City of Pinole with essential services such as: maintaining fire protection and 911 emergency response, keeping public areas safe and clean, upgrading storm drains, maintaining parks and youth programs with safe places to play; repairing potholes, streets and sidewalks, preventing crime, and for general governmental use. If adopted, the measure would establish a 0.5 cent sales tax increase that would continue until ended by voters and would require audits, public spending disclosure, and all funds spent for Pinole.
There will be a public hearing on the proposed ballot measure and discussion of ballot measure language on July 16, 2024 in the council chambers.
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