What is the Rapid City Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a community-developed long-range vision for what future development looks like and where uses and amenities are located. The Rapid City Comprehensive Plan process will update the 2014 Comprehensive Plan to be applicable to today’s community and future generations. This process is committed to engaging as many people as possible that live and work in Rapid City, so thank you for being involved!


In 2014, Rapid City adopted its Comprehensive Plan. Now, it’s time for the City to update its Plan to better guide development and growth over the next twenty years. This questionnaire is the beginning of that process, allowing the community to provide direct input on the look and feel of the new Rapid City Comprehensive Plan.

This questionnaire will inform the foundation for this Plan, helping to determine what elements of Rapid City are the most important to protect and where the biggest opportunities for change are. The questionnaire is divided into two parts: visioning questions and demographic questions.

The demographic section of this questionnaire is intended to help us understand who we are hearing from and where further outreach efforts are needed. This information is not shared outside of this process and is used as a gauge to help ensure equitable representation. For any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering, feel free to choose “prefer not to say”.

Question title

What do you love most about Rapid City?

Click to view results

Question title

(What do you love most about Rapid City?)
Explain your answer or provide more detail here

Question title

What elements or features define Rapid City?

Question title

What three words would you use to describe Rapid City today?

Question title

Which words describe your vision for Rapid City in 20 years?

Question title

Which elements have the biggest opportunities for change or improvement?

Click to view results

Question title

(Which elements have the biggest opportunities for change or improvement?)
Explain your answer or provide more detail here

Question title

If you could write a tagline or catchphrase for Rapid City in 20 years, what would it be?

Part II Demographics Section:

The demographic section of this questionnaire is intended to help us understand who we are hearing from and where further outreach efforts are needed. This information is not shared outside of this process and is used as a gauge to help ensure equitable representation.  For any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering, feel free to choose “ I prefer not to answer”.

Question title

Where in Rapid City do you live? Please provide your closest cross streets.

Question title

What is your age?

Select a response

Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

Select a response