King County's 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan included a community-driven Sustainable & Resilient Frontline Communities section focused on climate justice. One of the focus areas in this section is Energy Justice & Utilities, which sets goals for:

  • Reducing the energy and utility burden on frontline communities;
  • Expanding renewable energy and energy efficiency in frontline communities; and
  • Integrating frontline community expertise into energy and utility policy and decision-making.

As King County seeks to reduce the energy and utility burden on frontline communities, we want to know about the challenges facing families who rent their home. 

The King County Climate Office would like to better understand and address utility and housing affordability for renters in King County. The following survey will ask you about the home you are renting, your utility costs (energy, water, sewer, and garbage), and about you and your household.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the following questions. We expect this survey will take you about 10 minutes to complete. 

Please click on the survey link below in one of the following languages: 


አማርኛ āmariññā (Amharic)

اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ (Arabic)

繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional)

دری (Dari)

Español (Spanish)

ភាសាខ្មែរ (Khmer)

Af Somaali (Somali)

Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)


Questions about the survey? Please contact