Question title

Property Address

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How many years have you lived in the home/building at this address?

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Do you rent or own this home/building?

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Question title

Do you know if a flood insurance policy exists for this property?

Yes, a flood insurance policy exists for this property
No, a flood insurance police does not exist for this property
I am unsure whether or not a flood insurance policy exists for this property
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Question title

What type of foundation does the home/building have?

crawl space
Not sure
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Has this home/building or property ever been flooded?

I'm not sure
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In what year(s) did this property flood?

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Where did this property flood and how deep did it get?

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What was the longest time that water stayed in the house/building? Use hours or days.

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What do you feel was the cause of your flooding? Check all that affect your home/building.

storm sewer backup
sanitary sewer backup
standing water next to house/building
drainage from nearby properties
saturated ground/leaks in basement walls
overbank flooding from creek
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Question title

If you selected "Overbank flooding from creek" in the previous question please name the creek. (ex. Boggy Creek)

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Have you installed any flood protection measures on the property?

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Please share your contact information with us in case we need to follow up with you.