Resilience 2050 White Paper - Climate Change and ResiliencePublish Date:  February 2023

We know that the climate in Maryland and across the globe has been changing and will continue to change, primarily due to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap the sun’s energy and increase global temperatures. Climate change threatens to upend many of the core assumptions about climate that agencies rely on to plan, design, and operate their infrastructure. Over the past century, the climate in the Baltimore region has been changing and changes are projected to continue – increasing temperatures, more intense storms, rising sea level, and more frequent and widespread flooding. To enhance resilience, agencies must adjust assumptions to consider climate projections as well as incorporate adaptation measures in their projects and plans. The importance of resilience is acknowledged in our long-range transportation plan, aptly named Resilience 2050This white paper provides an overview of historic and projected changes to the climate as well as the importance of using strategies to develop resilient transportation infrastructure.

Download the Climate Change and Resilience white paper (pdf)

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Have you noticed changes in the climate in our region over the last several years or decades? If so, what have you observed?

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Have you had to make any changes to your home, your property, and/or your travels as a result of climate change?

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If you are interested in learning more about climate projections for the region, check out Chapter 2 of the Climate Change Resource Guide

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Do you have any comments on the climate change and resilience white paper?

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The Resilience 2050 white paper on climate change and resilience is easy to understand.

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