Optimize hiring methodology

Initiative Statement

Hiring methodologies will be optimized by ensuring job descriptions and classifications are accurate, capitalizing on the City of Austin brand, and deploying targeted marketing through social media to ensure that positions are filled quickly with top talent by March 2024.

Initiative Complete

Milestone ChecklistStatus
Develop a research and engagement approach focused on detailed review of job descriptions.box checked with green check mark
Conduct research and engagement focused on recruitment best practices.box checked with green check mark
Develop a robust marketing campaign focused on recruitment for existing vacancies.box checked with green check mark
Obtain information for active vacancies from all departments to include in launch.box checked with green check mark
Launch recruitment campaign.box checked with green check mark
Develop a research and engagement approach focused on detailed review of job descriptions.box checked with green check mark
Review job descriptions for Intake.box checked with green check mark
Submit job description changes and/or new classifications for review.box checked with green check mark
Communicate role modifications to employees, update job postings, and reclassify existing positions.  box checked with green check mark


Impact Statement

Optimizing hiring practices through refinement of job descriptions and targeted marketing that leverages the City of Austin brand will position the organization to swiftly attract top talent. This will ensure prompt and successful recruitment and invest in skilled professionals aligned with our organizational goals.


Estimated Completion Date

March 2024


Initiative Owner

Britoni Garson


Initiative Team Member Departments

Austin Energy
Austin Fire
Austin Water
Development Services
Parks and Recreation
Transportation & Public Works
Watershed Protection

Initiative Team Member Departments

Development Services Department
Austin Energy
Austin Fire
Austin Water
Communications and Technology Management
Parks and Recreation
Transportation and Public Works
Watershed Protection

Question title

We encourage you to submit feedback and ask questions on these pages, and we will add more information as the initiatives progress.