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Did you know that 16.8 acres of farmland are lost every day in Travis County? At the same time, we heard that:

šŸ‰ People struggle having access to household and community gardens.

šŸ‰ New farmers have difficulty accessing land, education and support.

šŸ‰ People want pesticide-free foods and environmentally-friendly farms.

šŸ‰ People want more affordable locally produced food.

How might we address these challenges?

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Did you know that most food delivered to Austin travels from Temple and San Antonio and our grocery stores only have a three-day supply of food? At the same time, we have heard:

šŸ“ That people want more local food in grocery stores and/or local food delivered to their home.

šŸ“ A great deal of food is wasted when moving from farms and ranches to our plates.

šŸ“ About concerns that transporting food for long distances increases fossil fuel emissions that contribute to climate change.

šŸ“ About concerns regarding the lack of backup power generators at grocery stores and food pantries during emergencies and natural disasters.

How might we address these challenges?

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The average wage of a food worker in Austin/Travis County is $11.25/hour. At the same time, we heard that:

šŸ Food workers deserve higher wages, safe working conditions and a better work-life balance.

šŸ Food workers are struggling with hunger.

šŸ It is too expensive to live and meet basic needs in Austin.

šŸ Customers want cheaper food costs.

How might we address these challenges?

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14.4% of people in Travis County experience food insecurity. At the same time, we heard from many people that:

šŸ„¦ Fresh, nutritious food is not readily available in their neighborhood or at a price they can afford.

šŸ„¦ People have limited options that meet their cultural and dietary needs when receiving food assistance.

šŸ„¦ Many families choose to eat less nutritious food because it's more convenient and they may not have the knowledge or time to cook at home.

šŸ„¦ Challenges are especially impacting children, seniors, the unhoused, undocumented people, and college students.

How might we address these challenges?

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1.24 million pounds of food is wasted every day in Austin. At the same time, we heard:

šŸ„• There is a need for improved food storage systems that minimize food waste.

šŸ„• There is a need for rescuing food before it is thrown away to serve communities and individuals in need.

šŸ„• About the negative financial costs of food waste for farms, grocery stores, and restaurants.

šŸ„• About the damage that sending food waste to the landfill causes to the environment and a desire to increase composting programs.

How might we address these challenges?

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