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EdNC Impact Survey - January 2025
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EdNC Survey
Question title
Which of the following describes you?
Early childhood educator or staff
K-12 teacher, principal, or other school-based staff
K-12 central office staff
Community college faculty or staff
Nonprofit employee
Policymaker/Elected official
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What's your zip code?
This information will remain disaggregated from your answers and is used to understand our geographic reach across North Carolina.
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What is your race/ethnicity?
Black or African-American
Hispanic or Latinx
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
I prefer not to answer
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What is your gender?
Do not identify as male, female, or transgender
I prefer not to answer
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EdNC Survey
Question title
Which of the following, if any, have you done as a result of information or articles on EdNC?
Select all that apply, then click Confirm your selection.
Changed your mind about an issue because of something you read on EdNC
Directly applied knowledge gained from EdNC to your professional life or a job decision
Discussed something you read on EdNC with your colleagues
Discussed something you read in EdNC with policymakers or legislators
Shared an article or information from EdNC on social media, in an email, etc.
Wrote your own piece based on something you read on EdNC
Commented on an EdNC article on the EdNC website or on social media
Joined an initiative, community group, or newsletter focused on an issue you read about on EdNC
I have not taken any actions as a result of reading EdNC
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EdNC Survey
Question title
We want to better understand the impact of EdNC's work in your life. From the impact of our articles and perspectives to our presence in your classroom or community, do you have a story you can share with us about the ripple effects of our work (for example, who read our work that we might not know about; how do you see our articles shared; did you meet or build relationships with new people; did you get a grant; etc.)? If not, head on to the next question.
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EdNC Survey
Question title
Please select the top
ways that you like to consume our information.
Then, click Confirm your selection.
News articles
Explainers (longer, in-depth pieces)
Feature stories
Perspectives (first-person pieces by guest authors)
Social Media
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EdNC Survey
Question title
I feel that EdNC provides a neutral view of what's happening in education in North Carolina.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
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EdNC Survey
Question title
We want your honest feedback about how we're doing. What changes or improvements would you make? Tell us anything.
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EdNC Survey
Question title
EdNC is turning 10 this January. What do you think has been EdNC's biggest impact over the past 10 years?
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EdNC Survey
Question title
Does EdNC have permission to use your comments alongside your name?
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EdNC Survey
Question title
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Leave your name and email below for the chance to receive one of 5 $100 Amazon gift cards.
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