South Central Kent Circulation & Sufficiency Study
South Central Kent Circulation & Sufficiency Study
The goal of the South Central Kent County Circulation & Sufficiency Study is to evaluate south central Kent County roadways to identify short-term (1-5 years) and medium-term (6-10 years) recommendations for circulation improvements. The study area is roughly bounded by SR 10 to the north, SR 1 to the east, SR 14 to the south, and US 13 to the west. The study will assess the potential need for multimodal improvements, including:
- Roadway improvements such as turn lanes, lengthened turn lanes, partial or full shoulders/bypass lanes, upgrades to signalized and unsignalized intersections.
- Transit improvements such as new stop locations, upgrades to stops, etc.
- Bike/pedestrian system improvements, including potential for integration with roadway improvements (above).
The horizon year for this project is 2028; this study will focus on identifying projects that can be implemented in the next 3-5 years, with some supplemental projects that can be implemented in 5-10 years.
The South Central Kent County Circulation & Sufficiency Study Area is roughly bounded by SR 10 to the north, SR 1 to the east, SR 14 and Tenth Street to the south, and US 13 to the west (figure below). It spans approximately 49,822 acres, encompassing portions of the Town of Camden, Town of Felton, Town of Frederica, City of Harrington, City of Milford, and the entire Town of Magnolia.
The project team includes representatives from:
Dover-Kent MPO
Kent County
Rossi Group