Charlotte’s Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program (CNIP) is one approach for investing in the City’s future – one that combines the resources of several departments to leverage the Community Investment Plan with other public, quasi-public, and private partners. Its mission is to engage stakeholders, identify partners, program funds, and move projects forward. Funding for the Program comes from Neighborhood Improvement Bonds. SouthPark is one of six CNIP areas in Charlotte and has recieved $15 million in funding since 2016. 

As a result of more than a year of community engagement efforts starting in 2016, the SouthPark CNIP Playbook was finalized in 2018. The document created a framework for spending the SouthPark CNIP funding, identified the Top 15 Potential CNIP Projects to be considered for implementation, and outlined over 40 additional potential projects that arose durring the community engagement process. 

Of the projects identified, the follwing projects were selected for implementation:

This Spring, the SouthPark CNIP team is reenagaging the SouthPark community to reconfirm priorities, select additional projects to implement with the remaining CNIP funding (estimated at $600,000 minimum), and identify projects for implementation if additonal funding becomes available in the future. 

Focus Area & Active Projects Map: 


Question title

Did you participate in the South Park Community Investment Plan community engagement process in 2018? (attending community meetings, taking online surveys, etc.)

I do not remember
N/A - I did not live or work in SouthPark at that time
Closed to responses

Question title

Would you prefer to see one project, or multiple small projects, move forward with any remaining CNIP funding? (for scale, right now it is estimated at approximately $600,000)

One project
Multiple small projects
Closed to responses

The Loop (previously identified as the Cultural Loop) was the second highest ranking project in the SouthPark CNIP Playbook. The Loop is a planned 3-mile bicycle and pedestrian path that connects shops, restaurants, hotels, and parks in the SouthPark activity center. It offers a healthy and convenient way to explore the area and magnifies the impacts of private investments in or near the public realm by connecting destinations and public spaces together. Created using funds from the SouthPark CNIP, the Loop Framework Plan organizes the concept’s vision, design elements, and key destinations and outlines various implementation options. The Loop Framework Plan represents a community-wide collaborative effort to realize a vision to enhance the quality of life for those who live, work, and play in the SouthPark community—bringing with it positive economic development benefits. 


Question title

Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: "The remaining CNIP funding should be spent on projects that move the vision outlined in the Loop Framework Plan forward."

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Closed to responses

Question title

Rank the following potential projects based on priority (* Originally identified in the SouthPark CNIP Playbook)

Rank the following potential projects based on priority ( Originally identified in the SouthPark CNIP Playbook)
Closed to responses

Question title

Would you rather? (Option 1 vs. Option 2)

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Question title

The Preferred Alignment for the SouthPark Loop between Fairview Road and Sharon Road in the Southwest Quadrant includes a currently infeasible connection at the Sharon Corners Shopping Center. Staff recommends the temporary route to include a connection from Barclay Downs Drive and Hazelton Drive to Sharon Road. Do you agree with this recommendation?

The Preferred Alignment for the SouthPark Loop between Fairview Road and Sharon Road in the Southwest Quadrant includes a currently infeasible connection at the Sharon Corners Shopping Center. Staff recommends the temporary route to include a connection from Barclay Downs Drive and Hazelton Drive to Sharon Road. Do you agree with this recommendation?
Yes, I agree with the staff recommended alignment
No, I disagree with the staff recommended alignment and think the alignment should stay closer to Fairview Road, including signing the route through parking garages.
I do not have an opinion on the Southwest alignment of the Loop.
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you identify with any of the following? Select all that apply.

SouthPark Renter
SouthPark Homeowner
SouthPark Visitor
SouthPark Property Owner/Management
SouthPark Employee
Closed to responses

Question title

Additional Comments

Closed for Comments

Question title

* Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, please note that the survey results will be taken into consideration alongside project feasibility and budget. Provide your email below if you would like to stay up to date on this planning effort and the larger SouthPark CNIP program.