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Developing the Active Transportation Master Plan

The project is organized into the following phases:

  • Phase 1: Project Initiation & Existing Conditions Review – Engage with the community and conduct analysis and policy review to gain understanding of the existing active transportation context.
  • Phase 2: Development of the Active Transportation Master Network – work closely with the Township, key stakeholders, and the public to develop recommendations for a well-connected, all-ages and abilities on- and off-road active transportation network.
  • Phase 3: Identify Priority Projects and Phasing – identify opportunities for the ATMP to support a Complete Streets planning framework and develop policies to support the ATMP including maintenance standards, asset management policies, Transportation Demand Management policies, and more.  Work with community and stakeholders to identify what projects need to be made a priority in the short, medium and long term.
  • Phase 4: Implementation – work with the Township to generate a realistic, achievable implementation strategy that outlines costs and prioritizes projects from quick wins to long-term implementations. 
  • Phase 5: Monitoring & Reporting – develop a draft list of metrics and Key Performance Indicators that can be tracked over time to demonstrate the success of the ATMP as it is implemented, and suggestions for relevant data collection.

Over the course of the project lifespan, our team will be engaging with stakeholders and members of the public in the form of stakeholder listening sessions and online surveys. The project webpage will be used to advertise these consultation events. The webpage will also feature background Active Transportation documents to highlight the benefits of active transportation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Active Transportation is broadly defined as all forms of transportation that are powered directly by you, including (but not limited to) walking, running, cycling, skateboarding, or using a mobility device such a wheelchair.

The ATMP is a long-term strategic roadmap for the Township to support active transportation going forward. The ATMP will propose a network of active transportation recommendations (both on-road and off-road / trail facilities) which will lead to the development of a safe, accessible, and well-connected active transportation network. The ATMP will also include supportive policies, and outline partnership, funding, and programming opportunities. The ATMP will also feature high-level costing and scheduling for all recommendations.

The Township of St. Clair’s ATMP is for the whole community. The ATMP is meant to direct the Township and its partners in effectively supporting opportunities for community members to walk, roll, and wheel throughout the Township. The Plan will provide community-wide benefits such as:

  • Providing more mobility options
  • Encouraging sustainability and fighting climate change
  • Promoting healthy and active lifestyles
  • Increasing safety for users of all ages and abilities
  • Reducing traffic congestion and delays
  • Providing opportunities for community-building and social interaction
  • Increasing equity and inclusion

We are therefore looking for input from all community members to ensure the Plan reflects the community’s overall vision.

Phase 1: Project Initiation & Existing Conditions Review

Phase 2: Development of a Comprehensive Active Transportation Network

Phase 3: Policies/Framework and Programs

Phase 4: Implementation

Phase 5: Monitoring & Reporting

Who’s Listening?

Matt Pinder

WSP Canada

Project Manager



Brian Black

Township of St. Clair

Director of Engineering / Public Works



Andrew Malpass

Township of St. Clair

Engineering Coordinator
