Sunnybrook Road Property to Crabtree Creek Greenway Connector Project
Sunnybrook Road Property to Crabtree Creek Greenway Connector Project
This project is part of the Neighborhood & Community Connections (N&CC) Program, which is an effort to identify, prioritize, and build new, walkable connections to parks and greenways. The N&CC Program was designed to promote health equity throughout the City, using geo-spatial modeling and data analysis to guide investment in communities which are most at-risk of negative health outcomes and most in need of improved access to outdoor recreation opportunities.
The proposed project include the construction of a 10-foot wide asphalt trail from Crabtree Creek Greenway Trail (Mile Marker 3) to the future Sunnybrook Road Park to the south. This project was identified in the City's Strategic Plan as a pilot project for Growth & Natural Resources Initiative 2.2. This project is being coordinated with a Raleigh Water Capital Improvement Program project in the area. Additionally, this project location is in close proximity a future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stop on New Bern Avenue.
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Sunnybrook Road Property to Crabtree Creek Greenway Connector Project
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