TIP Overview

Federal regulations require that the metropolitan transportation planning process include the cooperative development of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), a staged multi-year program of projects consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). 

The TIP identifies the timing and funding of all highway, bridge, transit, intelligent transportation system, bicycle, and pedestrian transportation projects scheduled for implementation in the region during the next five years using federal transportation funds.

This region’s TIP is developed cooperatively by a team led by the Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) staff and New York State Department of Transportation-Region 4 (NYSDOT-4) staff. The TIP includes projects in Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Wayne and Wyoming counties.

For more information, view the Program Guide.


In order to apply for TIP funding, applicants will need unique log-in credentials for the electronic EcoInteractive, project management system. Contact Chris Snyder at GTC to get started.  CSnyder@gtcmpo.org

GTC/NYSDOT TIP Sponsor Virtual Workshop Recording

Recorded November 21, 2024


View a copy of the slideshow


GTC/NYSDOT TIP Sponsor Virtual EcoInteractive Training Recording

Recorded November 21, 2024


  • Municipalities in the seven-county TIP area

  • GTC member agencies

  • Other organizations sponsored by a local government


  • Highway preventive maintenance or rehabilitation

  • Bridge preventive maintenance or rehabilitation

  • Pedestrian, bicycle, and multi-use trails

  • Transit vehicle replacement


December 20, 2024 

TIP Resources

EcoInteractive Application Tutorial link to video

View the GTC-specific EcoInteractive application site tutorial video.

2026-2030 TIP Program GuideLink to 2026-2030 TIP Program Guide 


icon link to Current 2023-2027 TIP, Project Lists, Map and websiteLink to current '23-'27 TIP showing project lists, funding details and an interactive map. 


NYSDOT Functional Class MapsLink to NYSDOT Functional Class Maps


Copy of printed postcard that was mailed to potential sponsors the week of November 4. 

A browser version of the email message that was sent out on November can be viewed here