Tillery Neighborhood Park Survey #3
Tillery Neighborhood Park Survey #3
The 2.5 acres of undeveloped parkland in the Govalle Neighborhood is located at 1129 Tillery Street Austin, Texas 78702 and was acquired by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department in May 2024. The parkland's beautiful pecan grove will be preserved. We will protect the trees, incorporate walking paths and provide benches and picnic tables. This third survey will help us determine priorities for other park improvements. Your feedback is appreciated. All questions are optional.
A Note to the Community
Please keep in mind, the shape of the area and layout for the play equipment and nature play features are still in the design process. Materiality and color of equipment are subject to change due to multiple factors, including, but not limited to, the following factors: budget, maintenance, and accessibility. The design team is looking to ensure that the equipment fits the natural feeling of the grove and plans on using natural-colored materials when possible.
Tillery Neighborhood Park Survey #3 Pop Up 2
The 2.5 acres of undeveloped parkland in the Govalle Neighborhood is located at 1129 Tillery Street Austin, Texas 78702 and was acquired by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department in May 2024. The parkland's beautiful pecan grove will be preserved. We will protect the trees, incorporate walking paths and provide benches and picnic tables. This third survey will help us determine priorities for other park improvements. Your feedback is appreciated. Come connect with PARD project staff and get your questions answered and grab some swag.
Tillery Neighborhood Park Survey 3 Pop-Up in the Park
This City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department project will improve connectivity and bring traditional neighborhood park amenities that align with community needs and environmental constraints. Tillery Neighborhood Park is in the community engagement phase. Come join us during our third round of community engagement pop-up in the park meeting to learn more!