Question title

Where did you hear about the TPO's Transportation Improvement Program? (Select all that apply)

Online, television or radio news outlet
Facebook or Twitter
Online public meeting
TPO Technical Advisory Committee
TPO Citizens Advisory Committee
Other - please specify
Closed to responses

Question title

In what county do you live?

St. Johns
Other - please specify
Closed to responses

Question title

What is the most important project for your county in the TIP? Please list the project name or number.

Closed to responses

Question title

What comments do you have about your #1 most important project listed above?

Closed for Comments

Question title

What is the second most important project for your county in the TIP? Please list the project name or number.

Closed to responses

Question title

What comments do you have about your #2 most important project listed above?

Closed for Comments

Question title

What is the third most important project for your county in the TIP? Please list the project name or number.

Closed to responses

Question title

What comments do you have about your #3 most important project listed above?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Please share your contact information for updates on the Transportation Improvement Program.

We ask for the following information to us better understand the survey results and reach a cross-section of people who live in our service area.

Question title

What is your gender?

Prefer not to respond
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your age range?

Under 18
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 - 74
75 +
Prefer not to respond
Closed to responses

Question title

How many working, registered vehicles are in your household?

1 vehicle
2 vehicles
3 or more vehicles
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your household income range?

Less than $15,000
$15,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $149,999
$150,000 +
Prefer not to respond
Closed to responses

Join us for an upcoming in-person or virtual meeting.


TIP Presentations at North Florida TPO Committee and Board Meetings

980 North Jefferson St., Jacksonville, FL 32209


May 1, 2024:

10 am - Technical Advisory Committee

2 pm - Citizens Advisory Committee


May 9, 2024: 10 am - North Florida TPO Board


Duval County Virtual TIP Presentation

May 16, 2024; 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Duval Zoom Meeting Link


Clay County Virtual TIP Presentation

May 20, 2024; 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Clay Zoom Meeting Link


Nassau County Virtual TIP Presentation

May 21, 2024; 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Nassau Zoom Meeting Link


St. Johns County Virtual TIP Presentation

May 22, 2024; 4:30 – 5:30 pm

St. Johns Zoom Meeting Link


Regional TIP Virtual Public Meeting

May 23, 2024; 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Regional Zoom Meeting Link