Rt. 96 over Rt. 14 Interchange Analysis Public Input Round 1- Existing Conditions and Needs
Rt. 96 over Rt. 14 Interchange Analysis Public Input Round 1- Existing Conditions and Needs
Project Purpose
The project will determine the feasibility and any benefit to eliminating the existing grade-separated intersection of NYS Route 96 and NYS Route 14 (Rt. 96 and Rt. 14) in the Town of Phelps. The condition of the deck/ superstructure of the bridge have deteriorated to the point where attention is needed. This analysis will compare the life-cycle cost of fixing the existing infrastructure as it's currently constructed versus the life-cycle cost of an at-grade intersection.
This is the first round of public engagement. The goal is to introduce the project to the community and obtain input on the issues of existing conditions and needs, inventory findings, opportunities for both the travel needs and the future land use, and to seek local knowledge.
Thanks to those of you who stopped by the table at Phelps Sauerkraut Festival on Thursday, August 3rd.
For questions about this project please contact Jody Binnix, GTC Program Manager at jbinnix@gtcmpo.org or by phone (585) 232-6420.
Existing Conditions - Traffic Operations
The first step is to identify and evaluate the current conditions of the interchange before developing alternatives to replace the existing infrastructure. What types of vehicles does the road serve? How many vehicles travel in day and in an hour? Are there any safety considerations? Is there bicycle access? What else might be needed, but is not in place today?
We would appreciate your input and thoughts on the following questions related to traffic operations.
Existing Physical Conditions
Transportation facilities and their characteristics play a role in a community setting. The following questions are less related to transportation and more about feelings of comfort, safety and even community vibrancy.
Route 96 and Route 14 Interchange: Approximate highest hour volumes according to the NYSDOT Traffic Data Viewer.
Truck on Route 96 Bridge over Route 14.