Event Schedule

We're coming together at Zebulon Community Center and Park for a weekend of history, culture, and community to celebrate Juneteenth and recognize Black American milestones and accomplishments in Zebulon and across North Carolina. 

This two-day event features musical acts and performances, spoken word, arts, crafts and activities, local vendors, and so much more! The event is hosted by the Zebulon Juneteenth Committee and Zebulon Parks & Recreation. The Committee is excited to announce that this year's kickoff will feature and celebrate local youth talent.

Juneteenth Kickoff 
Thursday, June 19
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Zebulon Community Center


Juneteenth Celebration
Saturday, June 21
4:00-7:30 PM
Zebulon Community Park

Check back soon for more informaiton and a schedule of activities. 


To connect with the Juneteenth Committee contact zebulonjuneteenth@gmail.com. 

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