Melwood Special GLUP Study Document Feedback
Melwood Special GLUP Study Document Feedback
A General Land Use Plan (GLUP) amendment can be requested to accommodate the development of property. A Special GLUP Study occurs when a GLUP amendment request is made where there is no adopted plan or when the request is inconsistent with the guidance of the relevant adopted plan, per the Special GLUP Study Resolution.
County staff is reviewing a request related to two parcels located on 23rd Street South between South Hayes Street and South Grant Street. The property owner has requested to change the GLUP from "Public" to "Low-Medium" Residential with an associated rezoning. They want to construct a new, primarily residential building of approximately five stories for both Melwood operations and affordable housing units on one parcel. The other parcel would remain a part of Nelly Custis Park and continue to be public.
The draft Study Document for the (Melwood) Special General Land Use Plan (GLUP) Study summarizes the analysis, findings and recommendations from the study process so far and is informed by input received from the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) and the community. Review the draft Study Document
Share your feedback by Monday, March 4
Please note that should the Arlington County Board accept the Special GLUP study document and authorize advertisement of a GLUP amendment, the applicant would have to proceed through the site plan process, which includes additional community engagement about the specifics of the proposed plan.
We look forward to hearing from you!