The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) are working on Destination 2055, an update to the Triangle Region's long-range transportation plan, also known as the 2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This occurs every four years and will consider all surface transportation modes – driving, bicycling, walking, transit, and freight. 

The first phase is about understanding what people who live, work, and play in our region want from the transportation network over the next 30 years. This begins with seeking feedback from the community on the previous plan's (2050 MTP) Goals and Objectives. 

With ours being one of the fastest growing regions in the nation, we need your answers to this survey to help the two MPOs, NCDOT, and other transportation and transit agencies, and local municipalities better understand your perspective on policy goals that will guide future investment decisions. 


Question title

How did you find out about this survey?

Destination 2055 Website
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram)
Online News Media or Blog
Print News Media
In-Person from Project Staff
Word of Mouth
Closed to responses

Question title

Your responses to the following demographic questions will help ensure this planning process represents the diverse needs and interests of the entire Triangle Region.

Select all of the options below that apply to you.

I am 17 years old or younger
I am 18-24 years old
I am 25-64 years old
I am 65 years old or older
I identify as a woman
I identify as a man
I identify as non-binary or other gender
I am or am considered to be disabled
Five (5) or more people live in my household
My household's total income is at or under $53,000 per year
My household has zero cars
I do not speak, read or write English well.
I am of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
I represent a minority race or 2+ races (African-American, Asian, South Asian, American Indian, Alaska Native, Middle Eastern, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander)
Closed to responses

Question title

What is the zip code where you live?

Question title

What is the zip code where you work or attend school?

Destination 2055 Process:

MTP Development Timeline

Find more information at
Partner websites
Vision & Goals

  • Review 2050 MTP
  • Update Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures

Public Engagement:


Analysis & Evaluation

  • Examine Data on Existing Conditions
  • Forecast Furture Problems (Deficiencies Analysis)
  • Develop & Evaluate Alternative Scenarios

Public Engagement:


Preferred Option

  • Select Preferred Option
  • Analyze Fiscal Feasibility
  • Confirm Preferred Option

Evaluation Strategies:

Transportation, Land Use, Access, Investment and Funding

Public Engagement:


Final Plan

  • Finalize Fiscal Constraint
  • Air Quality Conformity


Implementation Strategy:

Phasing, Financing, Responsibilities, Institutional Structures

Public Review


Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request. To request documents in an alternative format, or if assistance is needed for a meeting, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting, please contact CAMPO's office at 984-542-3601 (voice) or DCHC MPO's Office at 919-503-4123. If you are hearing or speech impaired and you use TTY (Teletypewriter Service), please call North Carolina Relay at 800-735-2962 and request a connection to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization at 984-542-3601. 


Non-Discrimination (Title VI) Policy:

Ensure that no person shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, Limited English Proficiency, sex, age, or disability, (and low-income, where applicable), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any CAMPO or DCHC MPO programs and activities, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and other pertinent nondiscrimination authorities.

CAMPO's Non-Discrimination Policy

DCHC MPO Non-Discrimination Policy