Geographic areas

Question title

The draft policy framework has two geographic areas: an anadromous zone, and no- or limited- connectivity to the anadromous zone.

Do you think these two geographic areas are representative of the locations inhabited by resident native trout?

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Question title

If no, please provide comments on geographic areas.

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Conservation categories

Question title

The draft policy framework has three conservation categories:
1. No known conservation concerns for resident native trout.
2. Known conservation concerns for resident native trout.
3. Known conservation concerns – impacts to juvenile salmon/steelhead production, rearing, or outmigration.

Do you think these three categories adequately represent the most likely conservation concerns we have in Washington?

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Question title

If no, what other categories should be included?

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Policy statement options

Question title

To answer this question, please review the linked native trout harvest management policy options document above.

Under each conservation category is a range of draft policy statements for resident native trout.

Do you think that any one of these draft policy statement options will adequately protect resident native trout and juvenile anadromous salmonids?

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If no, can you provide other policy statements that you think should be included?

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