View the CR-102 Rule Proposal


WAC 220-500-041  Construction, creation and maintenance of roads, trails, and structures.  (1) A person must obtain the express written permission of the department in order to construct, create, modify, repair, relocate, or maintain a new or existing road, trail, sign, structure, or other facility or improvement. A copy of the written permission must be kept on site during any work. 

(2) Violating this section is a misdemeanor pursuant to RCW 77.15.230. 

(3) This section does not apply to erecting and using temporary camp and blind structures pursuant to WAC 220-500-130. 


Reasons supporting proposal:

  • Routes and facilities that have been user-created without input or authorization from WDFW staff are often in locations or conditions that are environmentally, culturally, or financially unsustainable.  A proliferation of unauthorized routes (roads and trails) has appeared in recent years on lands managed by the agency.  These routes often cut through sensitive habitat, interrupt habitat connectivity, and cause direct damage to vegetation, wildlife, and tribal resources. User created routes lack the deliberate planning, design and evaluation of impacts that are necessary to place them or build them appropriately.  
  • Currently, without the tools or statutory authority to prevent or cite the creation of new routes or structures without approval, they will continue to proliferate and degrade sensitive resources.   

Purpose of the proposal and its anticipated effects: This new rule, if adopted, will help WDFW better manage our wildlife areas and the use occurring on them.  It will give WDFW law enforcement tools to discourage the creation of new roads or trails which can pose a threat to natural or cultural resources and create safety hazards for users. 


Question title

Please provide your comment on the rule making for WAC 220-500-041.

CR-101 Preproposal Comments

CR-102 Rule Proposal Comment Period

Comment Period Ends on August 15, 2024.

Please note you can add comments into the text box or e-mail the comments with or without attachments to or leave a voicemail message by calling 855-925-2801 and entering project code 8413. 


Comment Period Ends on August 15, 2024.

Please note you can add comments into the text box or e-mail the comments with or without attachments to

All comments received by WDFW are part of the public record and will be available for public viewing - so please do not include private information in the text of your comments. Comments are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.