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Access to Greenway and parks
Reply84 Agreeone year ago
Free or low-cost children's activities through public parks, libraries, etc.
Reply75 Agreeone year ago
Living the Life in ConcordWe need nice and affordable housing not dilapidated houses. People should not have to work three jobs just to pay rent! No food, medical benefits, gas, etc. Provide safe and affordable child care for our children which will allow them to grown and become a better society. ...See More
Reply66 Agreeone year ago
The preservation of our natural environment like green space, waterways, etc.
Reply62 Agreeone year ago
Sam Affordable of living in NC and thats in jeopardy - were at risk of being gentrified with wealthy retirees moving in here from high priced states (CA NY FL ) willing to pay more for everything and make it utterly unaffordable for NC locals / young families to buy houses and raise ...See More
Reply61 Agreeone year ago
Amaha SheferawOur community's strongest asset is thy neighbor.
Reply61 Agreeone year ago
Quality of life.
Reply56 Agreeone year ago
JTCity needs better infrastructure. For one turning the main road straight from I85 into Kannapolis to one lane was a very stupid decision. We need better choices for retail Target, Publix and restaurants etc. This would keep from driving to other cities and giving them our busine...See More
Reply47 Agreeone year ago
Markour biggest asset is a low tax burden
Reply41 Agreeone year ago
One of our community's strongest assets is quickly vanishing! Please preserve our open green spaces for the enjoyment of everyone. The overdevelopment of this community is failing us! We can stop it and retain the local, cultural, natural and property values for generations.
Reply40 Agreeone year ago
Proximity to Charlotte / major city
Reply36 Agreeone year ago
The schools in our community are supportive to families/residents
Reply33 Agreeone year ago
Brenda j HightowerI am retired and fortunatly am surviving on my monthly income. So many in our town are much less fortunate. We desperately need income based housing.
Reply32 Agreeone year ago
Amos McClorey Medical Care centers non emergency availability in the Neighborhood
Reply30 Agreeone year ago
PatAffordable housing for seniors within walking distance of shopping.
Reply24 Agreeone year ago
Verlyn ClaxtonYMCA
Reply24 Agreeone year ago
Quiet no HOA
Reply24 Agreeone year ago
Verlyn Claxtonsmall retail
Reply23 Agreeone year ago
Parks and free public activities
Reply21 Agreeone year ago
The old buildings on main st, in the midway area need to be torn down. Like the old apartments and the “business center”. That is Main st, that is what people are seeing when they visit our city and it’s scary and an eye sore. We also need more attention to dilapidated housing an...See More
Reply21 Agreeone year ago
There is a desperate need for a sidewalk along the length of Rogers Lake Road to go from Oakwood to Main St. This is a very dangerous stretch of road to walk and I see people walking it every day! There’s barely a shoulder before the ditch on either side of the road. To walk s...See More
Reply21 Agreeone year ago
We need better water/sewer infrastructure. My street has had 5 water line breaks one of them was a large break and 3 sewer spills in the last 3 years. A lot of these older neighborhoods have the original pipes that need to be updated.
We also need sidewalks in neighborhoods...See More
Reply20 Agreeone year ago
Reply20 Agreeone year ago
Being far away from Charlotte and the big city issues it has. I hope we avoid overdevelopment, which we don't have the infrastructure to support.
Reply19 Agreeone year ago
Many streets and roads are in great need of resurfacing. Sidewalks are needed in many locations. Many streets and roads need to be widened.
Reply18 Agreeone year ago
A decent amount of grocery stores, places to shop/eat.
Reply17 Agreeone year ago
Our diversity and our small businesses
Reply16 Agreeone year ago
ChrisWe need more public transportation, i.e. light rail. Sidewalks need to be wider, cleaned up, more of them and more urban planned. Learn how to build urban and not rural car-centric like the past days of city building. Build walkable areas with more restaurants and less parking lo...See More
Reply14 Agreeone year ago
Jamie CapitanPublic parks, proximity to activities in other cities.
Reply14 Agreeone year ago
One of our strongest assets is the access to cultural enrichment opportunities such as the Meroney Theater, Norvell Theatre, Lee Street Theatre, Salisbury Symphony, October Tour, free concerts and activities such as Yoga in Bell Tower Green, and festivals/events such as the Cheer...See More
Reply13 Agreeone year ago
Kannapolis MUST find a way to reduce city taxes. We have the highest rate in the region and those on the Rowan side have been hit hard due to the recent revaluation.
Reply12 Agreeone year ago
Improvements to roadways for biking to parks and downtown. Street lights seem like a great addition since most of the roads around Mooresville don't have lights and would make it considerably safer since roads are not very wide on certain roads. Upgraded parks for pickleball, bas...See More
Reply12 Agreeone year ago
Reply10 Agreeone year ago
Safety is also a big issue, more security personnel and less discrimination towards people of lower socioeconomic status and racially motivated arrests.
Reply9 Agreeone year ago
We need to reduce carbon emissions caused by cars by having more sidewalks, a reliable bus transport system with more stops, and an increase to our minimum wage!
Reply9 Agreeone year ago
Reply9 Agreeone year ago
Cut taxes for the elderly since we already have to pay county taxes. We need the individuals running to promise to do something for the elderly! We are reading everything about candidates and are going to hold them to what they promise. No more lies!
Reply8 Agreeone year ago
We really need sidewalks on Pennsylvania Avenue. It's a busy area for walking for exercise or people trying to get to work! It's a very bumpy street to attempt to walk on the side and cars fly down the street making it unsafe for our community to walk!
Reply8 Agreeone year ago
We are having massive new builds with little planning on the concentration of where these developments are being placed that overload power grids, traffic, existing neighborhoods, and reduce the nature landscape of our community which takes away natural protections and wildlife i...See More
Reply7 Agreeone year ago
The historic brick architecture of the old mills
Reply7 Agreeone year ago
Salisbury’s assets include Livingstone and Catawba colleges, a regional medical, Rowan Helping Ministries, the Civic Center, and the YMCA. In addition, Rufty Holmes Senior Center and an active Chamber of Commerce. Also important to our community is the NC Land Trust.
Reply5 Agreeone year ago
Teresa ChristyMake available updated infrastructure available to all existing land owners in Kannapolis
Reply5 Agreeone year ago
Verlyn Claxtonestaurants
Reply5 Agreeone year ago
Salisbury's biggest asset is its potential for growth. There are several abandoned buildings that could be turned into positive services such as after-school activities.
Reply4 Agreeone year ago
Steve BlountSpencer has small town atmosphere with big city ambitions. Close enough to regional amenities to claim them as our own but far enough away from Charlotte core to avoid traffic and other problems related to urban density.
Reply4 Agreeone year ago
Angela Our community's strongest asset is the culture. In the last few years the changes that have occurred in the community on Wilson Lee Blvd in Statesville. A lot of these older neighborhoods have a need to be updated. In order to help your neighbors the community must be upkept. Tax...See More
Reply3 Agreeone year ago
Community schools like Coltrane-Webb Elementary School
Reply3 Agreeone year ago
Geneva Ross Greenways
Reply2 Agreeone year ago
Rowan County’s access to two major interstates and rail. The county’s geographic location and close proximity to 3 major urban areas(i.e. Charlotte, Greensboro and Winston-Salem). Also, the strong collaboration between city and county leaders is a welcome change from the past.
Reply2 Agreeone year ago
Our city's forward thinking policies and actions.
Reply2 Agreeone year ago
PLEASE address the ONE STREET ON ONE BLOCK IN East Spencer that doesn't have sewer even though we pay for it. 314, 316 Southern Street area. The rest of the city has it and we have major issues regularly there. Thank you!
Reply2 Agreeone year ago
Shawntae LewisI appreciate growth and economic development but supporting infrastructure (decent internet, roads, services, stop lights, etc should be evaluated and implemented while upgrading new growth as well as community input who chose areas as a result of certain demographic and neighbor...See More
Reply1 Agreeone year ago
YasThe neighborhoods.
Reply1 Agreeone year ago
Our historic assets and community appreciation of said assets.
Reply1 Agreeone year ago
Sandra DouglasOur community’s greatest assets are parks, restaurants and shopping.
Reply1 Agreeone year ago
Ann Benfieldcollaboration and partnering of our community leaders
Reply1 Agreeone year ago
Very much agree!
Reply1 Agreeone year ago
Gerri Harris Add sidewalks one neighborhood at a time !
ReplyAgreeone year ago
Tracy Sidewalks, potholes bridges ect. These fall under infrastructure not housing!
ReplyAgreeone year ago
Debbie LThe historic charm, trees, greenways, new park downtown. City/county planners should preserve the essence of the older neighborhoods and not clear-cut, add dense housing and water run-off issues directly adjacent to older areas/houses-- that will ruin the character of this city ...See More
ReplyAgreeone year ago
When is something done to relieve the traffic on Poplar Tent in Concord, on some days the cars are backed up for 1mile
ReplyAgreeone year ago

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