Nov. 7, 2023 Media Event

On Nov. 7, 2023 Mayor Stothert held a media event at City Hall to provide updates on the Omaha streetcar project. She was accompanied by city officials, project experts and supportive partners. They discussed the following topics: 

  • The 30% design aesthetics presentation that will be given to the Urban Design Review Board on Nov. 16.
  • Vehicle bid document process.
  • The new “Future Boarding Zone” signs that are scheduled to be installed along the route.
  • Funding for studies about potential future streetcar line extensions.

Event handouts are available below.

Event Recording


Event Handouts

Official News Release:

Nov. 7 News Relears

30% design aesthetics presentation:

Blackstone Median


Urban Design Review Board Recomendation Report:

UDRB Report


Modern Streetcar Renderings*:

Streetcar Renderings

*Please note that these are just examples of streetcar makes and models. Colors and designs will differ.  


Future Boarding Zone signs:

Future Boarding Zone Signs