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1. What do you love about Rocky Mount today? Rank your top three.

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2. What is one word or phrase that you hope will describe Rocky Mount in 25 years?

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3. When you think about Rocky Mount's future, how important are improvements in the following areas? (Check very important, somewhat important, neutral, or not important for each topic area.)

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4. What would you like to see more of in Downtown Rocky Mount? Rank your top three.

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5. Think about the kind of neighborhood you would like to live in today and in the future. What would your neighborhood look like? Rank your top three neighborhood characteristics.

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6. What do you believe is the greatest need for Rocky Mount today?

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7. What do you believe is the greatest need for your neighborhood today?

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8. How would you like to stay engaged in the planning process for Imagine Rocky Mount 2050? (Check all that apply)

In person meetings
Informal meet-ups
Virtual meetings
At-home mailers
Email newsletters
Online surveys
Social media
Other (Please specify)
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9. Is there anything else you would like to share about your vision for Rocky Mount's future?

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