Police Station at St. Mary’s: Public Art Project
Police Station at St. Mary’s: Public Art Project
The City of San Antonio’s Department of Arts & Culture has identified the new Police Station at St. Mary’s as an opportunity for a public art project. The artwork will be three-dimensional and located at the corner of St. Mary’s and Locust Street. Currently in the beginning stages of the public art process, we need your input on what theme you’d like to see explored in the artwork design.
El Departamento de Arte y Cultura de la Ciudad de San Antonio ha identificado la nueva Estación de Policía en St. Mary's como una oportunidad para un proyecto de arte público. La obra de arte será tridimensional y estará ubicada en la esquina de las calles St. Mary's y Locust. Actualmente, en las etapas iniciales del proceso de arte público, necesitamos su aporte sobre qué tema le gustaría ver explorado en el diseño de la obra de arte.
Point of Contact: Bianca Alvarez, Public Art Project Manager, bianca.alvarez@sanantonio.gov
Survey Open: March 1, 2023
Survey Close: April 30, 2023
Public Art Opportunity: Police Station at St. Mary’s | Oportunidad de Arte Público del Departamento de Arte y Cultura de la Ciudad de San Antonio: Estación de Policía en St. Mary's
Please fill out the questions below to share your input on what themes you would like to see explored in the sculpture’s design.
Por favor, complete las siguientes preguntas para compartir su opinión sobre los temas que le gustaría ver reflejados en el diseño de la escultura.
St. Mary’s Police Station - Public Art Project | Estación de Policía en St. Mary's – Proyecto de Arte Público
Optional Questions: The next set of optional questions will help us improve our outreach efforts across the City. The information you share helps us better understand how your lived experiences contribute to your experience and perceptions in this survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.
Preguntas opcionales: El siguiente conjunto de preguntas opcionales nos ayudará a mejorar nuestros esfuerzos de divulgación en toda la ciudad. La información que comparta nos ayudará a entender mejor cómo sus experiencias vividas contribuyen a su experiencia y percepciones en esta encuesta. Sus respuestas serán anónimas.
This video is a recording of the virtual meeting which took place on March 7, 2023.
Community Conversation: Public Art at the Police Station at St. Mary’s
The Department of Arts & Culture wants to hear from you! As we plan for our Public Art project at the St. Mary's Police Station, we need your input to determine the theme and inspiration for the artwork. Please join us virtually for this community conversation.
To register for this virtual event please click here.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request. To request these services call (210) 206 ARTS or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at https://www.sanantonio.gov/gpa/LanguageServices. Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.