Access North Texas

Access North Texas is the regional public transportation coordination plan for the 16-county North Central Texas area and documents the transportation needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and individuals with lower incomes across the region. For more information, visit the Access North Texas website. 

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Take our survey!

This survey is open to all interested individuals and will help us identify transportation needs in the region. Your participation is greatly appreciated.


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Frequently Asked Questions

The survey will be made available in May 2024 and closed in April 2025.

Yes. All questions require input. However, some questions provide an option to input an “n/a” or select a “prefer not to answer” choice.

This depends on the individual completing the survey. However, it should take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Yes. It is encouraged that you share the survey so others may have the opportunity to complete it.

Your information will be used to help develop goals and strategies that will be included in the Access North Texas 2026 update. For an example, see the 2022 Access North Texas plan on the Access North Texas website.

Yes. See the below download link. If you print the survey, you can email the completed survey to OR you can mail it to “NCTCOG Transportation Department, Attn: Evan Paret” at P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, TX 76005-5888.