Ten Mile Community Overlay Zoning District Project
Ten Mile Community Overlay Zoning District Project
Ten Mile Community Overlay Zoning District Project
Charleston County Zoning and Planning Staff, in coordination with community members, have been working to draft amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR) to develop an overlay zoning district with specific guidelines and regulations tailored to the needs of the community. Please see more information below; updates will be made to this project page throughout the process.
What is Community Planning?
- Working with communities to identify their issues, needs, and visions for their future and identifying ways to address them.
- Empowers communities to figure out their goals and how to attain them.
- Issues identified by communities have included planning/zoning/subdivision, need for sidewalks and roads, Heirs’ Property, drainage/flooding, employment and economic development, housing, need for more/better schools, etc.
- Charleston County cannot solve all of these issues, but we can solve some, like planning/zoning/subdivision, drainage/flooding, and sidewalk/road issues.
- For those we cannot solve, we assist by putting the community in touch with those who can help.
What is a Zoning Ordinance?
- Regulations (law) that define how property in specific geographic zones can be used.
- Implements the Comprehensive Plan future land use recommendations.
- Intended to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of existing and future residents of Charleston County.
- Applies to all development, public & private (new uses/structures; use changes; structural additions, enlargements, renovations, etc.).
- Provides minimum development requirements:
- Specifies whether properties can be used for residential, office, commercial, or industrial purposes;
- Regulates density, lot size, placement, bulk, and the height of structures; and
- Includes site design requirements (parking, signage, buffering, tree protection and preservation, site lighting, architectural design, traffic studies/mitigation).
What is an Overlay Zoning District?
- Special zoning regulations created for specific geographic areas that are tailored to the unique needs and/or characteristics of that area.
- May be more or less restrictive than base zoning regulations depending on the needs of the community or area.
- Often used in areas having multiple jurisdictions for consistency.
- Created based on public input.
- The East Cooper area currently has two overlay zoning districts: Mt. Pleasant Overlay Zoning District (MP-O) and Highway 17 North Corridor Overlay Zoning District (17N-O).
Ten Mile Community Public Meeting
Please join Charleston County Zoning and Planning staff to discuss the draft Ten Mile Community Overlay Zoning District, which includes amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinances, as applicable.
March 22, 2025
Ten Mile Community Center
3926 Seafood Road, Awendaw, SC 29429
See the Documents section below for:
-Draft of the Ten Mile Community Overlay Zoning District;
-Map of the area proposed to be included within the district; and
-"Project Blurb" that includes more detailed information about the project, the zoning regulations, maps, uses allowed, and properties that would be affected.
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