Participate in the survey below to give us your feedback on the proposed code changes. 

This survey will close on August 6th and responses will be included in reports to the Planning Commission and City Council. 

Question title

What role do you play in the development process?

Member of Neighborhood Association
Member of Neighborhood Plan Contact Team
Real Estate Developer
Closed to responses | 25 Responses

Question title

How do the existing Neighborhood Plan Amendment Filing deadlines impact your role in the development process? (300 character limit)

The crosswalk across Rio at this design looks potentially dangerous. Cars turning Left out of Belvedere would be focused on passing 2 lanes of westbound Rio traffic, then immediately would be on top of a crosswalk just as they have accelerated across Rio. There appears to be too...See More
Reply9 Agree3 years ago
If the circle at JWP and Rio Rd provides for the constant flow of traffic, it seems that trying to make a left turn out of Belvedere will be even more difficult, given there will be no traffic light to provide a break in traffic, especially at busy times of the day.
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
While the safety lane for vehicles turning left from Belvedere is an improvement, vehicles still have to cross two lanes of westbound Rio Road traffic to get to the safety lane. While I avoid the Belvedere/Rio intersection when heading to the parkway (I drive through Dunlora to ...See More
Reply6 Agree3 years ago
I'm most concerned about pedestrians. As cars turning left out of Belvedere focus on passing 2 lanes of traffic, will they remember to look to the right for pedestrians crossing in front of them? What about the crosswalk across Rio? Will cars in the slip lane see someone in that ...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
How was peak load issues entering and exiting Belvedere Blvd for bigger events at SOCA, FairView, and The Center taken into account? In meetings a few years ago when representatives of all these organizations plus other area stakeholders was held with VDOT and Albemarle county s...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
Closed for Comments

Question title

How would eliminating the filing deadlines improve or worsen your ability to engage in the development process? (300 character limit)

The crosswalk across Rio at this design looks potentially dangerous. Cars turning Left out of Belvedere would be focused on passing 2 lanes of westbound Rio traffic, then immediately would be on top of a crosswalk just as they have accelerated across Rio. There appears to be too...See More
Reply9 Agree3 years ago
If the circle at JWP and Rio Rd provides for the constant flow of traffic, it seems that trying to make a left turn out of Belvedere will be even more difficult, given there will be no traffic light to provide a break in traffic, especially at busy times of the day.
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
While the safety lane for vehicles turning left from Belvedere is an improvement, vehicles still have to cross two lanes of westbound Rio Road traffic to get to the safety lane. While I avoid the Belvedere/Rio intersection when heading to the parkway (I drive through Dunlora to ...See More
Reply6 Agree3 years ago
I'm most concerned about pedestrians. As cars turning left out of Belvedere focus on passing 2 lanes of traffic, will they remember to look to the right for pedestrians crossing in front of them? What about the crosswalk across Rio? Will cars in the slip lane see someone in that ...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
How was peak load issues entering and exiting Belvedere Blvd for bigger events at SOCA, FairView, and The Center taken into account? In meetings a few years ago when representatives of all these organizations plus other area stakeholders was held with VDOT and Albemarle county s...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
Closed for Comments


On June 1st, 2023, the City Council passed a Resolution that instructed the staff to revise City Code Title 25 related to application procedures for amending the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). Currently, under City Code Title 25 Article 16 Neighborhood Plan Amendments, applications for FLUM amendments are only accepted in February and July. However, as per the City Council's directives outlined in the Resolution, the proposed changes aim to enable applicants to submit their applications for FLUM amendments at any time, thereby eliminating the existing filing deadlines. Article 16: Neighborhood Plan Amendment ordinance has a provision where plan amendment applications can only be filed during the month of February for neighborhood planning areas on the west side of IH-35 and during the month of July for neighborhood planning areas on the east side of IH-35. There are exceptions provided in the ordinance for applications to be filed outside of the February and July open filing periods. 

Review and Adoption Timeline:

Case Manager Contact

Mark Walters, Planning Department,