Thank you for taking time to vote in the Ward 5 Commemorative Works TAP program. Additional information on each nominee can be found below the poll.
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* What is your zip code?
The Office of Planning is using zipcode data to confirm those voting live in Ward 5.
Proper protected bike infrastructure using the CROW Manual design standards not NACTO’s insufficient guidelines. Paint is not protection.
Reply26 Agree4 years agoMultiple Transit options to and from bus stations (maybe Uber pick-up/drop-off spots, bike lockups and repair stations, connections to safe walking trails/greenways), design/visual appeal of Stations and bus-lanes
Reply21 Agree4 years agoHarrySafe and accessible bike facilities (i.e. protected/separated from traffic) around station areas!
Reply20 Agree4 years agoIt would be great if the City creates an overlay along these corridors to encourage very dense transit oriented development, possibly offering height and parking bonuses.
Reply15 Agree4 years agoDensity in context and that also provides for low income rental and ownership opportunities in the new development.
1 Agree4 years agoPreserving/embodying neighborhood identity at each station. Each community along the corridor should feel a sense of pride and ownership about their unique station.
Reply8 Agree4 years agoQuestion title
* Please vote for the subject you would like to see commemorated in Ward 5.
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