Question title

1. What neighborhood of Menlo Park do you live in now?

Allied Arts / Stanford Park
Belle Haven
Central Menlo Park
Downtown Menlo Park
Felton Gables / Park Forest
Linfield Oaks
Sharon Heights
South of Seminary / Vintage Oaks
Suburban Park / Lorelei Manor / Flood Triangle
The Willows
Unincorporated Menlo Park
I don't live in Menlo Park
Closed to responses

Question title

2. How long have you been a water utilities customer with Menlo Park?

Less than a year
1-5 years
6-10 years
10-19 years
20+ years
I don't live in Menlo Park
Closed to responses

Question title

3. What is your age?

I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

4. I believe that water conservation and efficient water usage is important.

Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Closed to responses

Question title

4a. Please explain why you made your selection in Question 4.

Closed for Comments

Question title

5. Which Menlo Park conservation programs are you aware of? (Check all that apply)

Irrigation hardware rebates
Lawn Be Gone rebate
Rain barrel rebate
Rachio smart sprinkler controller rebate
Landscape analysis program
Residential self-audit toolkit
Free city-provided water saving fixtures and aerators
Rate assistance program
None of the above
Closed to responses

Question title

6. If you have not participated in any of Menlo Park's water conservation programs, what prevents you from doing so? (Check all that apply)

Lack of information
Lack of time
Lack of money
Water conservation and water-use efficiency is not a concern to me
I have participated in one or more of these programs
I don't live in Menlo Park
Closed to responses

Question title

7. Are there issues related to water use efficiency and water conservation you feel are not addressed by the City of Menlo Park? If so, what are they?

Closed for Comments

Question title

8. What do you find the most difficult in conserving water or using water efficiently?

Closed for Comments

Question title

9. Which medium of communication are you most likely to engage with? (Check all that apply)

MyUtility Portal
Utility bill inserts
Social media
City website
Mailed notices
City events
Informational brochures/pamphlets
Weekly Digest eNewsletter postings
Closed to responses

Question title

10. Please tell us any other ideas, needs, complaints or suggestions you'd like to share with us

Closed for Comments

Question title

11. How did you learn about this survey?

City website
Social media
Handed a physical copy
Weekly Digest eNewsletter
MyUtility portal
Closed to responses