2035 Wake Transit Plan - Investment Survey
2035 Wake Transit Plan - Investment Survey
The Wake Transit Plan Update is the region’s ten-year transit investment strategy. This plan will decide how to invest nearly $1 billion over 10 years to make it easier for people in Wake County to use public transportation. This webpage is where you can learn more and share your ideas and opinions.
We collected feedback last spring/summer (2024) and heard from about 2,000 people. Your ideas are part of what we are sharing now.
The Wake Transit Plan Update is getting started on its second phase of talking to Wake County residents. We’d love to hear you!
Before you go, can you tell us:
As a reminder, many projects and services have already been funded by the Wake Transit Plan and more are added every year.
Thanks for sharing your ideas and thoughts! You can learn more about Wake Transit Plan projects using the following links.
Bus Rapid Transit | Building Transit Projects | |
Rail Service in Wake County | Mobility Hubs | Safe Access to Transit |