C20-2023-021 Electric Vehicle Charging
C20-2023-021 Electric Vehicle Charging
The City of Austin is proposing changes to the Land Development Code to add a use that allows properties to install electric vehicle charging stations. This means more places to charge your EV conveniently around the city. This webpage explains what an Electric Vehicle charging use is and describes the proposed changes.
Summary of Adopted Changes
Create an Electric Vehicle Charging (EV Charging) use so that an entire property can be used for EV charging
Allow EV Charging use in higher-intensity commercial and industrial zones along certain types of roadways or on sites with existing gas stations
Require a conditional use permit for EV Charging on larger properties abutting core and future core transit corridors and urban roadways to prevent concentrations within activated areas
Click to view the EV Charging info sheet for a more detailed summary of the adopted changes.
Click to view the EV Charging adopted ordinance.
Public Hearing Information and Timeline
Public hearings are an opportunity to have your voice heard on proposed changes to the Land Development Code.