Question title

Who do you represent today when you take this survey? Please select one.

Select a response

Question title

Please tell us which Tribe, agency, organization, or university/college you are representing.
If you selected "private business" in the first question, please tell us what type in this comment - some examples might be private timber, mining, consulting, ranching, farming, guide, tourism, development, arts, ....
If you selected "Public, Community member" you may tell us which community.

Question title

Ecoregions are large landscapes where land and water systems are similar. These are big units that help us organize and share natural resources information and plan conservation actions. Washington has nine (9) ecoregions. Please look at this map of numbered ecoregions of Washington. From the list, select one or more of the ecoregions you most care about. In the next comment, please tell us why conservation in those ecoregions is important to you.

This is a map of Washington state s nine ecoregions numbered and with a legend
Select a response

Question title

Tell us why you chose the ecoregion(s) in the previous question. Please include the number and/or name of the ecoregion and tell us what you think is special or significant about it. Why is it important to you?
We are interested in these responses to help us better communicate new conservation information and understand needs of people who care about conservation in these specific areas.

Question title

In the plan, we will need to select threats or issues that negatively affect species, habitats, and systems. These are also called "stressors." Please choose (check boxes) up to five (5) issues that - in your opinion - are the most impactful issues or stressors negatively affecting species and/or habitat conservation in Washington state.

Suggestion: scroll through the whole list to get a feel for it before making your selections. You will be asked about your selections in the next question. A version of this list comes from the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP, more information at CMP provides international standards in conservation practice. This list is in alphabetical order and this order does not imply any priority.

Select a response

Question title

Based on the five (5) issues you selected in the previous question, which one concerns you the most and why? Please provide examples if you can.

Question title

Do you feel any issues are missing from the long list above? If yes, please briefly tell us what's missing and provide an example or two.

Question title

WDFW defines Priority Habitats that are used to inform conservation and land use decisions:
> aspen stands
> eastside steppe and shrubsteppe
> herbaceous balds
> inland dunes
> juniper savannah
> old growth - mature forest
> Oregon white oak woodlands
> riparian
> westside prairies
> freshwater wetlands - fresh deepwater
> instream
> coastal nearshore, open coast nearshore, Puget Sound nearshore, and
> certain features like caves, cliffs, snags and logs, and talus slopes/fields.
Are there land or water habitats that you think are at risk or of high conservation concern that are missing from this list? Which ones? Please share examples and/or citations if possible.

Question title

WDFW will be revising the Species of Greatest Conservation Need list. Do you know of any species on the 2015 list that should be removed in the 2025 Plan - which ones and why?
Please provide citation(s) or information in this comment to support your suggestion, if possible.
You may leave a comment at if you have data you would like to share or would like to be contacted about this.

Question title

WDFW will be revising the Species of Greatest Conservation Need list. Do you know of species that should be added as Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the revised plan?
Please provide citation(s) or information in this comment to support your suggestion.
You may leave a comment at if you have data you would like to share or would like to be contacted about this.

Question title

What specific conservation plans, working groups, or other organized conservation efforts do you know about that are making good progress and/or engaging others on tough conservation questions? Please provide citation(s) or link(s) if you have them.

Question title

I or my agency/organization/group use the current SWAP (2015) to ... (choose all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

Please tell us about changes you would like to see in the State Wildlife Action Plan revision, especially suggestions that could help more people use it and/or make it a more valuable guide for conservation in Washington.

Question title

Please select the County where you live from this list below. We hope to get good representation from across Washington state and will be using this information to guide more outreach.

Select a response