Arcade Trail Feasibility Study
Arcade Trail Feasibility Study
The Arcade Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study will develop a cohesive set of concept-level plans and strategies, with defined priorities, to guide the Village of Arcade, in Wyoming County, NY, in improving and expanding pedestrian and bicycle access within the Village of Arcade and region. The results of the study will identify opportunities to enhance safety and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists in Arcade and will recommend projects and strategies based on the determination of needs of area pedestrians and cyclists.
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Verity Engineering, DPC, Byer Planning, and GObike Buffalo have been selected through RFP to produce the Arcade Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study for the Village of Arcade under Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) UPWP Task #6550.
The Arcade Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study started in the Fall of 2022. The purpose of this project is to identify desired trail routes within the Village of Arcade that provide connections to local destinations while providing opportunities for future regional trail connections. Through conversations with project stakeholders and the general public and a review of existing conditions within the Village as well as past plans that have been developed, four priority trail routes and three additional trail connections have been identified and are shown in the Interactive Map below.
This short survey will guide you in noting any challenges or opportunities with implementation as well as asking you to rank the priority routes and additional trail connections based on which you think would be the most beneficial to the community.