Project Identification

S. State Street between Bragg Street and Bunche Drive was identified on the 2016 BikeRaleigh Plan's Ten Year Priority list for implementation of a seperated bikeway. 

S. State Street is a key connection between the Walnut Creek Greenway Trail, and a proposed neighborhood bikeway along Dandridge Drive and Hadley Road into existing bike lanes on Cross Link Road to the south.

It will also connect into a proposed neighborhood bikeway along Bragg Street, into existing bike lanes on Blount Street and Person Street to the north.

Preliminary Design and Engagement

The BikeRaleigh Plan reccomends a separated bike lane for this street. Due to existing street characteristics, a 2-way cycle track on the west side of S. State Street between Bragg Street and Bunche Drive was evaluated during this phase. 

During this phase, staff recieved feedback on the proposed concept for S. State Street and incorporated comments and feedback into the Final Des

Full Design

All comments from the Preliminary Design phase were incorporated as possible, while maintaining best practices to ensure that an all ages and abilities bikeway connection is built.

The updated design includes a two-way cycle track on the west side of S. State Street between Peterson Street and Bunche Drive. A neighborhood bikeway is proposed between Peterson Street and Bragg Street. 

Please review the updated design and contact staff if you have any questions. 

Construction Outreach - Final Survey

A notice of the construction timeline and project impacts will be sent to residents of the street and its surrounding neighborhood (2 blocks back from project street). 

We want to continue improving our public enagement and project delivery processes. At this phase, residents are ecnouraged to complete a brief survey on the project engagement, design, and delivery.