CRM system to auto capture communications

Initiative Statement

Evaluation of the potential implementation of a customer resource management system will be completed by June 2024 with a focus on creating a single system of record that captures and streamlines all inbound/outbound communications, thereby achieving efficiency through a reduction in response times to customer inquiries. (Note: Due to current system capabilities, the more permanent solution will likely occur as a part of the enterprise case management system replacement project.)

Initiative In Progress 50%

Milestone ChecklistStatus
Identify and document current communication methods. box checked with green check mark
Evaluate current system capabilities.box checked with green check mark
Evaluate potential for a procured solution.box checked with green check mark
Develop recommendations.box checked with green check mark
Solicit internal and external stakeholder feedback.box checked with green check mark
Develop final recommendations based on input. unchecked box
Implement recommendations.unchecked box


Impact Statement

Implementing a Customer Resource Management (CRM) system to track and manage all inbound and outbound communications with applicants will improve efficiency and consistency in customer service.


Estimated Completion Date

June 2024


Initiative Owner

Cliff Phillips


Initiative Team Member Departments

Austin Energy
Austin Fire
Austin Water
​Communications & Technology Management
Development Services
Parks and Recreation
Transportation & Public Works
Watershed Protection

Question title

We encourage you to submit feedback and ask questions on these pages, and we will add more information as the initiatives progress.