Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)

Austin City Council will review the proposed changes for the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). Approved changes are scheduled for consideration by City Council on September 12, 2024 and will be implemented on January 1, 2025. 

The comment period for the proposed changes will close June 16, 2024. Responses to feedback made during the comment period will be posted in the Documents section following the comment period close date. Please contact DSDCommunications@austintexas.gov for general questions or if you require further assistance.

The UPC is a model code developed by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials to govern the installation and inspection of plumbing systems, with the goal of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

Public input regarding the proposed 2024 UPC amendments is planned for May 15 - June 16, 2024. All input received will be submitted to the Austin City Council by September 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

When a page is open for public comment, you will notice the button on the project indicates "learn more." The "learn more" button will take you to the individual project page. There, you can provide your feedback and questions about the proposed Code changes. Provide your comment in the available box and select "comment." After a comment period has ended, you can still view the page and access the presentation/documents by selecting "view results". We appreciate your participation.

Adopting the most recent codes help protect the health, safety and welfare of Austin residents by

  • Responding to new findings from building science research, field experience or changes in community expectations
  • Responding to building performance assessments following catastrophic events to increase resilience in new structures
  • Introducing new and innovative technologies and construction methods
  • Aligning with other current accepted codes and standards

Additionally, adopting and implementing revised codes within two years of publication date is required to maintain our ISO Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) classification or ISO rating (currently at a class 3 for Commercial and class 4 for Residential). The BCEGS classification and ISO rating affect the insurance rating for the City of Austin.

Although each Code follows the same process, the process occurs at different times for some Codes. Certain Codes also require more steps than others during review. Consequently, not all Codes will be adopted at the same time. Please check each page for more detail about the expected timeline for each Code change.

Question title

Please provide a comment or question about the Proposed Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) 2024 Technical Code Changes in the space below. Please respond by June 16, 2024.

Closed for Comments

Visit the DSD Public Meetings webpage to access the Technical Code Changes Webinar recording and slide deck from May 20, where the proposed changes to this code were discussed.