Street Evaluation

Laurel Mountain Rd has an 85th percentile speed of approximately 35 mph in a 25 mph zone with 1 reported speed related crashes in the past 3 years. This along with other street characteristics has placed this project within the top 20 streets to receive a traffic calming project.

Preliminary Design

Based on the speed along Laurel Mountain Rd the proposed treatment spacing is at approximately 500' intervals. Due to street characteristics Speed Humps or Speed Cushions are being proposed currently.

For your convinience field markings were incorporated based on preliminary design.

Final Design

All comments from the preliminary design comment period will be reviewed and incorporated where applicable while maintaining best practices for a successful project.


A ballot will be sent to residents of the street and its surrounding neighborhood seeking approval of the final design. This project is not a mandate but rather a neighborhood choice. 

We hope all will participate, this is the greatest way you can contribute towards or against this project being constructed. Without support this project cannot become reality.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Speed Humps: Average 2-5 second delay per treatment location
  • Speed Cushions: Average 0-2 second delay per treatment location
  • Speed Tables: Average 2-5 second delay per treatment location
  • Horizontal Treatments (ex. Traffic Circle): Average 1-3 second delay per treatment location
  • Speed Humps are a vertical traffic calming treatment that crosses the full width of a street and are intended for streets with a 25 mph speed limit.  They are 12’ wide and 3” tall.


  • Speed Cushions are a vertical traffic calming treatment that have gaps in the hump that are intended for streets with a 25 mph speed limit.  The gaps in the hump allow for emergency services vehicles with wider wheel basis to straddle the humps to minimize the impact to their response times but are still large enough to impact normal vehicles.  This style of treatment is the preferred treatment style for streets designated as a Neighborhood Bikeway.  They are 12’ wide and 3” tall.


  • Speed Tables are a vertical traffic calming treatment that crosses the full width of a street and are intended for streets with a 30 mph speed limit.  They are 22’ wide and 3” tall.

Traffic calming projects have a goal of addressing document speed compliance issues and/or eliminating identified crash patterns.  All projects work to stay completely between the existing curb lines.  Requests such as sidewalk requests or signal installation are not currently within the scope of any traffic calming project.

If these are options you would like to pursue, please feel free to reach out to us at and we will be happy to direct you towards the proper program/department.

The greater neighborhood is defined as all properties within an approximate 2 block radius of the project and any property that’s only access is by using the street in question.