Summary notes for Annual APAC report

November 8, 2021

  • Metro staff to work with APAC to identify additional equity and accessibility measures to include in ongoing tracking. 

  • APAC Executive committee members to discuss the format of the monthly Access dashboard metrics and any potential adjustments.

  • Metro staff to track potential timing for a future update to APAC from Metro’s Government Relations team.

  • Ashish to follow up with Deborah regarding concerns about the recertification process. 

  • Metro staff to follow up with the APAC about the mandatory recertification process for Access including the policy, reason, and available metrics.

  • Access Same Day Service Pilot project team to provide APAC an update at the January 2022 meeting. 

  • APAC members that are interested in participating in the Access Same Day Service Pilot project should reach out to Casey Gifford by November 12.

October 11, 2021

  • The APAC recruitment application was finalized. The application opened at the end of October and is expected to close on December 3rd. Members were asked to let the staff know of any organizations Metro should reach out to regarding the APAC member recruitment effort.
  • APAC members are needed for the application review.
  • The APAC team went through the recommendations and response that were documented in the 2021 APAC report. Metro will look into options for providing surveys via an app that is compatible with a smartphone instead of a computer. Metro to follow up with information about the number of available rideshare accessible vehicles.
  • APAC annual report planning: The Secretary will summarize the monthly meeting minutes for key topics. This will be added to a tracking document. Members can comment at any time. A review will happen at a meeting each quarter.
  • APAC Members attended a Equity and Social Justice Fundamentals workshop Saturday, October 16, 12 – 4pm