• The public hearing will begin streaming at 7:00 PM on 5/13/2020. If the video does not load, the user should refresh their browser at that time. There is an approximately 30 second delay between what is occurring in the zoom meeting and what appears in the live stream.
  • If there is a need to adjourn the meeting due to technological failure, the meeting will be reconvened on May 13, 2020 at 8:00 PM and will be accessible via this same website.
  • If you experience any technological issues with participating in the public hearing, please email Jenn Rowden at jrowden@therpc.org
  • Comments may be left at anytime during or prior to the meeting. All comments submitted will be part of the public record. Please note that any comments submitted online may not be immediately visible if they contain potentially offensive language.

Question title

* Please enter your name and zip code to assist us in understanding who this information is reaching. An email address is optional but will allow us to contact you in the future for transportation planning related issues.

Question title

What was the quality of the Public Hearing Stream?

Excellent all around
Video and Audio Quality were Okay
Video quality was poor
Audio quality was poor
Everything was terrible
Closed to responses
Start of 10 Day Public Comment Period

The ten day public comment period for Amendment #4 begins on May 2, 2020

End of 10 Day Public Comment Period

The ten day public comment period for Amendment #4 concludes on May 12, 2020.

2019 TIP Amendment #4 Public Hearing (5/13/2020)

A public hearing to consider the changes proposed in Amendment #4 will occur on May 13, 2020 beginning at 7:00 PM. This will be followed by a meeting of the MPO Policy Committee to discuss any comments received and a vote on the proposed revisions.

The full report for Amendment #4 (A4Report.pdf) is included in the project documents section below. This includes a page on "how to read this report", all of the project changes, definitions of the project funding program acronyms, and the fiscal constraint documentation. The documents section also includes the full statewide report from NHDOT (NHDOT_A4_ProjectList.pdf) that shows all of the project changes proposed around the state.